Gateway project


transcendental meditation/ hypnosis/ MANIFESTATION/ bioFeedback

brain hemisphere synchronization

time and space is created by limited consciousness

when in sync There are biological changes to the mind. Thinking vs being logical.

neils bohr—

not easily realized In yes or no thinking- the gateway project requires human instinct or right bRain thinking.

altered state of consciousness.

hemi sync— these methoDs balance both sides of the brain.
hyPnosis pErmits access to the subconscious mind

the right side of the brain is connected to pleasure centers

Gain access to hypnosis by disengaging the left side. Left processes decisions before They enTer the subconscious.

normal wake state- make left side bored enough to fall asleep while the right side is still active in a semi sleep state

rIght— non verbal and pattern oriented

Meditation— affirm by saying i enjoy enhanced concentration and memory. I can access more storage in my brain.

energy up spine- Acoustical standing waves in cerebral VENTRICLES

sendS waves ro grey matter in cerebral cortex

you can access yiur owN kundalini— altered heart RhythM & sef stimulates pleasure centers in the brain. 4-7 herrz can Create this in your body.

biofeedback— manIfesting uses the left hemisphere Of the brain, sef cognitive behavior. access pleasure centers — visualize desired results and the feelings associated with that.

feel like you have eVerything yoU want. Attract it by imagining it.

prayer, worship & imagination — journaling or manIfesting meditation. Biofeedback can Enhance and ACCELERATE achievement of deep meditatiVe staTes.

Meditate yourself into being a powerful manifester

visualization and affirmation are key.

quietude. Use your affirmations to put yourself in a semi sleep state and viSuAlize mental focus.

hemisYnc- alter and expand consciousness

gateway experience— strengthen focus & coherence gained from training techniques- move consciousness outside if the physical sphere. Past its limits of time and space. This gains access to intuitive knowledge offered by the universe.
Shifting— getting closer to souls oneness and true purpose. Instincts rhat we’ve always had and infantile views. Imagination shift changes our real life perspective and reality.

lamp vs laser— mind is like a lamp expending energy in terms of heat anD light. Hemi sync can occasionally create a perfect loop of energy around the brain ans our energetic focus becomes like a laser beam or DISCIPLINED Stream of light — frequency and amplitude based as powerful as the sun energy which is our energy source. (laser beam)

frequency and amplitude of brain becomes coherent and you can accelerate both. Mind will resonate at a higher vibrational Levels.

the mind can bring itsef into synchronization with more sophisticated and verified energy levels in the universe.
mind when operating at these levels can process info thRough the same matrix… making sense of physical sensory input and applying meaning in a cognitive context in the form of symbols, flashes of IntUition, unexplaInEd, sudden feeings, disembodied voices and sounds

frequency following response - beat frequency of 10 hz below in the left hemisphere in the left ear. Right ear 10hz above. Beain will adjust Into hemi sync.