Follow your dreams and your oWn heart, not Sombody elses.
be honest
Give things 100%
smile often, even to strangers, exude confidence.
dont get jealous
be kind
work hArd
challenge yourself
explore the world
Meet new people
overcome shyness
apologize when you should
simple things are free and better than money can buy
this is the way it is now
Maintain and value the things you rely on
handle simple tasks immediately
no procrastination
one project at a time
set priorities and add small victories
exercise daily
eat when hungry
get adequate sleep
drink water
say i love you
do what makes you happy
follow your own path
be adventurous
be yourself
dance uninhibitedly
where would you like to wake up?
What would you wish to happen?
Stay drama free and dont fuel it
respect and have patience for others
enjoy life and make mistakes
small details can ignite bigger things
communicate, dont try to read minds
if you hate it then stop
stay organized, no clutter.
Live below your means and make things count
ask for help when unsure
dont be a follower