being Happy with where you are at in life has a lot to do with the intentions you set. your mindset. outlook on life.
Thinking about where you are at - in the present, can sometimes lead you to think of how much still is to be accomplished, and all the small things or big life dreams that you thought you would have finished by now.
Instead try to think of where you used to be, how far you have came, and how you are improving and growing everyday. Think about where you are now, and think of it as being made of all the fragments of your past.
Think about how the past weaves into our future and without it we wouldn’t be who we are.
Think about the air in your lungs. the sun, and the moon’s glow on earth each day. Think about how lucky you are to have exactly what you do. Think about the things you can give, and the ways you can help people to see light. Think about how nobody can be a coPy of you.