Tarot reading
Whats ready to be shed?
4 of cups— boredom, rumination, imagined worries
Whats holding me back from being my best self?
9 of wands reversed — defense, tenacity, burden ( its opposite??)
Whats my BIGGEST potential or a better focus?
8 of cups — leaving things behind/ starting over / uncertainty
Ai past/present/ future?
Past— 8 of wands - speed/fast conclusions/ quick measures
Present— 9 of pentacles - plenty/ satisfaction/ independence
Future— 3 of wands - ACHIEVEMENT/ determination/new beginnings
Love- whys it been a struggle?
Get more into goddess vibes
Decision/values/ potential (card is reversed) the lovers
Shadow work/ indulgence/ lust
Be more adventurous/ trailblazer/determined
Form- shadow work/ indulgence /lust
How to treat the email- willpower/mastery/DISCIPLINE