Cord cutting
Moving into the scorpio eclipse —
Mercury is retrograde and pluto is retrograde in aquarius
Fill up your own cup and think about who os punching holes in your cup.
You deserve a full cup ans things happen to you for character expansion. Release the stories ans people that aren’t serving you.
Ace of cups- expansion, self love and growth
Stay HYDRATED this week and ascend
Physical/ mental/ emotional boundaries energetically
Light and grow the flame that is inside of you— a gentle dancing or rocking feeling — put your pain into it.
Who are you in 6 months?!
Happy, independent, healthy, safe, confident, abundant
Be GRATEFUL for the teaching/ learning/ lessons that YOU'VE had along your JOURNEY and path to get here.
Co creative experience with spirit
Unpluu any weird feeing / stuck energy from your body ans experience. Dont be afraid to step into your own power
Unplug/ close and patch the holes in your body and fill yourself with white light
Release binds, limits on what body and mind is capable of and can do. Release any other cords— find strength
release the belief that my energy can be manipulated or influenced by others. Believ that i can always change and protect my energy and peace
Stop glorifying your flaws and instead focus on new patterns & potential